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How to Get a Perfect Score on Google PageSpeed Insights

Written by Stephanie Reid
March 30, 2022

Understanding and optimizing for Google PageSpeed Insights is vital for a growing business, as it helps improve website performance, user experience, and search engine rankings, leading to increased organic traffic and higher conversions.

How frustrated do you get when you visit a website and have to wait for the page to load? Frustrating, isn’t it?! So how would your visitors feel if your website didn’t load quickly? Frustrated. The page load speed on your website is crucial for ranking higher on search engines. If a visitor has to wait for more than 3 seconds, there is a high chance they will leave. In this article, we explain how to get 100% on your page load speed.

Test The Mobile Version of Your Website

Google has a great tool to help test the mobile version of your website, called Google PageSpeed Insights Test My Site. Follow the prompts and wait for your report.

You want to be in the dark green, Excellent, section so if you are not make sure to check out the issues and fix them.

Google PageSpeed Insights

Optimize Your Images

Images play a huge factor in how fast your website loads. It is so important every image you upload has been optimized.

If you use WordPress, there is a great plugin you can download that will help.  WP Smush Image will scan each image found within your Media library and let you know if there are any that should be compressed – for free!

Use Browser Caching

You know that awful C-word in the online world – yep, caching! So annoying but so important and there is a tool that helps do this automatically for WordPress users. It’s called W3 Total Cache and helps improve your website’s performance by a quicker rendering process on your page.

Compress the HTML Output

This helps to reduce the file size and improve your website’s performance. WordPress also has a plugin for this. It’s called Minify HTML. Check it out for more information.

Implement Accelerated Mobile Pages

This is to help the pages on your mobile device load faster. This article, provided by AMP, explains how AMP works.

WordPress has a plugin to help with this. It’s called AMP for WP.


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How to Get a Perfect Score on Google PageSpeed Insights