The Story Behind Our New Company Name
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When the team decided a rebrand was needed, we thought a new company name should also be in the mix.
Why A New Company Name Was Needed
It’s no doubt that Webworks had more website customers. “Web” is in the name. It’s all anyone knew of us. As for YourSocialStrategy, “Social” is in that name, so duh, they attracted more social media clients. But, these two companies are more than that, and we thought what better opportunity to choose a name that avoids confusion and tells people what we’re all about than when these two companies joined forces.
We met as a group and decided to run a contest. Each member had to send in ideas for a new name. Some were more retractable than others, but we nailed down one that we thought was best – Aliado Marketing Group.

The Meaning Of Our Name
Aliado (pronounced Al-ee-a-doe) means “ally” in Spanish. No, we are not a Spanish company. We like the meaning behind it. At Aliado Marketing Group, we want every customer to feel there is a partnership between them and us. We are your marketing ally, your goals become our goals, and we want to create a relationship of trust and open communication. We don’t want you to ever feel you are a number to us, but rather a long-lasting relationship. We are here to help you!
Now, there was some resistance from others to our new name. “It’s weird”, and “Why would they choose that?”, but it’s different, and not every company has to have a typical name. When you think of other major companies, their names are unique and do not necessarily have an obvious name to match what they do.
But it works! Take Apple, for example. When you first heard about Apple, did you ever think it would be computers, phones, and more….. no. They’ve built up a brand that has become familiar. I’m not saying we will be the next Apple (sigh, if only that could be), but my point is we chose a name that works for us. We find it fun and different.

Planning out our new company name has been fun and has become a great team event that brought conversations together. We are 18 days away from our launch. Let the soon-to-be Aliado Marketing Group be your team of allies in your marketing world. Contact us today!
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