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A Year In Review: Social Media Stats for 2018

Written by Shelby Stone
December 29, 2018
As 2019 appears on the horizon, let’s delve into the vast world of social media and take a look at some of the amazing 2018 stats. Keeping these in view will help you design a thorough social media marketing strategy for the forthcoming year.

Take a look at some of the most notable social media stats of 2018:

  • The total number of internet users globally in 2018 is 4.021B, up 7% year-on-year.
  • The overall number of mobile phone users in this year is 5.135B, up 4% year-on-year
  • The number of users of various social media platforms globally in 2018 is 3.196B, up 13% year-on-year.
  • Share of online traffic by device favors mobile considerably at 52% which is a year-on-year change of +4%.
  • Desktop continues to be in second place with a 43% of device share to overall web pages, which is year-on-year drop of 3%.
  • Annual growth continues at a good pace, especially in all active mobile social users- The penetration is 39% which is an increase of 5% from 2017.
  • 48% of Americans have initiated interactions with institutions/companies on at least one social media platform.
  • Almost 90% of marketers state that their focus on social media has increased the exposure for their businesses; 75% of them also say that it has helped increase traffic.
  • 51% stated they would un-follow the brands on social media if their posts were annoying or uninteresting.
  • 27% stated they would report or mark the page and brand as spam and will also block them.
  • Engagement on all native Facebook videos was 109% higher compared to YouTube videos.
  • Facebook continues to reign supreme as the most used and most popular social media platform- 79% of all internet users in America log on the site.
  • Facebook has in excess of 33,000 chatbots. Companies use this AI-powered software can easily interact with clients/customers via chat box interfaces. Many companies feel that traditional apps are no longer able to cut it.
  • Almost 60% of internet users in the United States selected Facebook to watch various videos online.
  • Almost a fourth of all social media influencers believe that Instagram is the most important avenue for their influencer marketing strategies. Companies feel that when social media influencers spread their business’ brand message to their vast engaged audience it gives their brand the exposure and visibility it needs to stay relevant in a competitive marketplace.
  • 29% of internet users that hold college degrees use Twitter, in comparison to 20% that have a high school degree or less.
  • 81% of all millenials will check Twitter at least once every day.
  • Snapchat reaches 41% of people in the age range of 18 to 34 years in the US, on any given day.
  • 91% of social media network users are now accessing various social channels via their mobile devices
  • YouTube as a whole as also YouTube on just mobile alone, now reaches in excess of 18-34 &18-49 year-olds compared to any cable network in America.
Social media is undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of your digital marketing strategy, which is why it’s a good idea to hire digital marketing professionals to help in this area. For any information about our digital marketing services, feel free to contact at 888-356-0380 or via our online form and we’ll reply within the next business day.


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A Year In Review: Social Media Stats for 2018