Quarantine Activities You Haven’t Done Yet
Written by Shelby Stone
May 21, 2020

Start a Puzzle:
This seems to be something everyone is doing, so why not take part. It doesn’t even have to be a fancy Ravensburger one (Indigo is all sold out of those anyways…) Do a crossword puzzle, get good at Sudoku, wow your friends by knowing what Kakuro is, pick up one of those deluxe Rubik’s cubes. Just don’t get too frustratedRevisit that old Instrument:
Were you like me, and in high school, you liked Guitar Hero so much that you tried to take up the real guitar and sort of swiftly gave up? I thought so. Well, what better time to dust it off. Apologizes to your neighbors later for your shoddy trumpet playing…or open your windows and wow them with your talent! They may not applaud you like an Italian tenor, but maybe you’ll get an A for effort!Read a long book:

Start a really good skincare routine:
If you’re like me, your hands are a dry cracked mess right now from washing them so much. Maybe it’s time to start reading up on the best moisturizers and exfoliants.Meditate:

Fall down a Youtube hole:
Ever just sat there for 2 hours and watched videos on a topic you didn’t know anything about? I’ve done it multiple times already. It’s a lot of fun. The holes I’ve fallen into include: Military MREs, watchmaking, cheese making, piano concertos, Glenn Gould, Philip Glass…There’s probably a few more that I can’t remember but it was all time well spent…in my opinion.Take up a new hobby:

Finally, play that complicated board game with your roommates/family members:
You got it for Christmas in 2018, but no one had the patience to read the 75-page rulebook. Guess what. Now you do.Clean out your closet:

Play a lot of a video game:
Do I have 103 hours as of this writing in something? Yes. Am I proud of it? I plead the fifth.Clean out that backroom:

Home Yoga:
I’m pretty self-conscious, so the thought of being in the same room with an unknown amount of people as I struggled to hold a pose is sort of a nightmare. Thankfully, we can now do this from the privacy of our homes. It’s your own judgment-free zone!Create a Quarantine playlist…again:

Become a birder:
Is that a Blackburnian Warbler over there?! I don’t know, you tell me. You’re the birder.Grow out some truly ridiculous facial hair:

Binge Watch For Free:
Over the last month, there seems to be a new streaming service every week. Why not hop on board one of those and take it for a spin. Just remember to cancel before the free trial is up.Become Ambidextrous:

Pretend you’re a three Michelin star chef:
Treat your roommates/family to a meal you made out of whatever is leftover in the fridge. “This is the waffle et olive starter. Why are you making that face?”Start to learn another language:

Make lists of things to do in quarantine:
So you’ve been inside for a couple of months now and you think you’ve already done all the quarantine activities you’d stockpiled. Wait, this sounds familiar. That’s it for now. We’ll see you next month after you’ve finished burning through all of these. Remember, pace yourself!Categories
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Quarantine Activities You Haven’t Done Yet
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