SEO Terminology Explained
Welcome to my blog! In this post, we will delve into the fascinating world of SEO terminology, exploring the essential terms and concepts that every beginner needs to know.
To those who are new to the world of SEO or Search Engine Optimization, there are a number of concepts and terms which can sound almost alien to them. However, every online marketer knows that SEO is a very crucial aspect to their digital marketing strategy. While, it does take longer than many of the paid strategies, it brings in solid and sustainable results in the long-term.
Some SEO Terms to Know
This also makes it important for business owners to be more aware of all the technical jargon as well as terminology that could be used with reference to SEO. Here is a list of some common SEO terms that you might come across while dealing with professionals in this field:
- Affiliate – These websites are involved in marketing products or services that are sold by other websites or businesses. They do this in exchange for a certain fee or a commission.
- Algorithms – These are programs used by search engines to identify which pages are connected to search queries.
- Blogs – These are posts that provide product or service related information. They could be posted on a company’s website or even on their social media accounts.
- Bounce Rate – The overall percentage of visitors that access your site and leave without accessing any other pages or sourcing other information from your site.
- Backlinks – These links are ones that can link back from other pages or sites to your website.
- CMS – It stands for Content Management System. This is the back-end system of a website and is used create & modify the content that features on your site. A CMS is generally managed by a webmaster, but a business owner can also have access to it via their own login.
- CTA – This stands for Call to Action- These are words on a site that encourage online users to request for more information from the company about their services and products.
- Duplicate Content – The same content appears on multiple websites. This can attract penalties from Google.
- Direct traffic – The traffic that reaches your website when they click on direct links
- Google Analytics – This is a Google’s analytical tool used by webmasters to analyze traffic to a website. It helps them get a clearer understanding of your audience, which helps you tweak your content to suit their requirements.
- Infographics – Graphics/images that have information in an easy-to-read format. These are generally posted on web pages or blogs.
- Keywords – These are the search terms that users enter into a search engine’s search field when they are looking for certain products or services.
- Landing pages – The pages that users land on when they click on any link in the Search Engine Results Page.

There are a number of other SEO terms used by professionals in the field, but these are some of the more common ones. For more information about what SEO is and how it works, contact Aliado today. You can reach us through our online form and we’ll reply within the next business day.
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