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What is Keyword Research?

Written by Shelby Stone
August 9, 2021

What is Keyword research? This revolves around the idea of finding and implementing the right words to optimize your business on search results. Therefore building an impactful SEO (what exactly is SEO)Campaign starts with keyword research.

The right keywords can change your entire marketing outcome because they not only steer a promising audience to your website but also make your content pop up in relevant places.

Keywords are the king that rules the internet regime, so if you want to be successful, you need to be an expert in your niche. Today’s article is all about discovering the tools and tactics to avoid keyword shortcomings that can bring your oblivion quite fast.

Keyword Research For SEO

Internet users use words to search for the services and products they need. When you conduct your keyword research, you should look for such particular words that your target market is using to find businesses like yours. Once you are aware of the words, you need to design your campaigns and content around them giving you a higher chance to be visible at the top of the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).

Thoughtful Keyword Research is crucial for both Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and pay-per-click programs. Because if you do not target the words people are using, you won’t appear in their search results.

The Importance of Keyword Research

Having an upper hand over keywords allows for a smoother journey for both SEO and the general marketing team.

Some of the crucial reasons that you need to do keyword research include the following:

  • Learning about valuable information about your business ranking and your competitor’s position in the market.
  • Ability to know what words your target market associates with your business and gives you a better chance to fulfill their demands.
  • Critical keyword analysis puts an end to the guessing game of what your consumer might want.
  • Helps Google to rank you better based on the targeted keywords.
  • Gives you a better understanding of the topics that you need to address in your blogs so that relevant audiences feel attracted to your site.

Initiate your Keyword Research

The keyword analyzing journey might look complicated to you but we have broken it down into a simpler format so that you can come up with the most relevant keywords to boost your business across the internet in no time.

So let’s get started:

Speculate the Relevant Topics

Keywords alone are of no power to create magic; it’s the content that revolves around them that matters the most. Come up with the topics that people will search for when they will look for businesses similar to yours. This step is important because it will help you analyze who your audience is, what their goals are and what role you can play in all this.

Focusing on your audience’s words will help you to rank better instead of picking just some random keywords. Think like a buyer and analyze what they will look for when you want them to find you.

Now when you know what people want, you can design your content based on their search needs. Addressing your audience’s queries will help you curate better killer content for them.

Check Wikipedia

Wikipedia is not only a gold mine of awesome information, it can also assist you in your conquest for keywords. The posts on Wikipedia are the most updated ones with relevant links and even the most related content.

Search for a main keyword on Wikipedia, you will find a content list on the page. This is subdivided into related topics strategically giving you an idea of what other topics you can target. Whereas the linked words also assist you to form a list of related keywords.

Google Search Pages

Another easy way to find relevant keywords is to look for the ‘Search Related To’ and ‘People also ask for list’ on the Google search pages. This is Google’s way of guiding you towards what other people are interested in and what they are looking for. For example, if you search for the best cereals you will come across questions like:

  • What are the healthiest cereals you can buy ?
  • What is the best cereal of 2023 ?
  • What are the top 5 kinds of cereal ?

Study Your Competitors

Study what words your competitors rank for. Use Ahrefs to find practical information and free reports of keywords that your competitors are implementing in their campaigns. There might be some words you are missing or some that are not relevant to you. Therefore it’s a great way to analyze your list from someone else’s perspective.

Also Asked questions & FAQ

Utilising FAQ’s in your content can be a real boost, by researching the faqs that the public are asking there is a great chance of appearing in googles also asked snippet section in a search.  These days google does not just show web pages in a list but also in the form of sinpets such as also asked question, feature snippets, image snippets, list snippets and much more.  A good SEO keyword research tool can assist with this or simply by using google.  Faq and seo really count in 2023.

Google Keyword Planner

Let’s narrow down the long list you have at hand. Try Google Keyword Planner to get some quantitative data. The keyword planner allows you to have a more comprehensive insight into the words that you are thinking of using. The search volumes and traffic estimates you will get through it, are extremely helpful to understand the relevancy of your words.

Google Trends allows you to find the popularity of words in the past, helping you to understand which words perform well and which ones you need to cut down from the list.

Wrapping Up

The competition to rank highest is tough if you are new in the field.  If you are looking for some assistance with this task, let Aliado assist and guide you. Our digital marketing specialists have experience and information that can make your keyword research process simple and effective.


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What is Keyword Research?