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Website Checklist

Below is a list of items for you to review and what you will need to provide to Aliado for the successful launch of your website.

Phase 1: Before You Buy

We encourage you to educate yourself on the information we are providing to you. It makes a better experience for you and for Aliado.

Phase 2: Welcome to the family. Let’s get things started!

The below gives you a list of things to gather as it’s now time to put your website together. 

  • Gather all logos files. We require a vector format for your logo. For more information on vector formats, click here.

  • Gather your branding information: font sizes, font styles, and your colours (colour codes – hex #).

  • Gather your images and any videos. 

  • Gather any content you want to include on the new website. If you do not have content, we would be happy to help write content for you.

  • An email opt-in is highly recommended. Do you have any incentive to offer your audience to help you collect email addresses? This can include a downloadable, a percentage off your products/services, etc….)

  • Gather your social media urls.

  • If you have a Google Analytics account, get the HTML tracking code.

  • If you have a current website, gather any login details. Make sure to test your login to ensure it works.

Phase 3: Gather Domain Information

  • Gather a list of all of your domain names, your domain provider, the URL to access your domain manager, the username, and the password. Make sure to test your login to ensure it works. If you will be making the domain updates yourself, no worries, we will be sure to let you know what’s needed.

  • Complete this domain form.

Phase 4: Your New Website is Now Live