How to Use Frequently Asked Questions to Boost Your SEO Game
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Frequently asked question pages, also known as FAQ, are a great way to help your customers if they have any basic questions about your business. The questions will also ease the workload of the online customer service, and they can answer more specific questions that customers might have. But have you thought about making your FAQ page SEO-friendly?
SEO helps your website grow through organic search. The most SEO implemented, the more likely search engines will throw your website to people who are in your demographic. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to create an SEO-friendly Frequently Asked Questions page. Maybe you are wondering, where do I even start when creating a FAQ page? All of your questions will be the answer, do not worry!
Why Create a FAQ Page?
This type of page is used so that the online customer service is not flooded with the same questions every day. Usually, FAQ pages feature questions that are commonly asked by customers about the company and should be concise and easy to read. Most people will only skim through these pages, so you need to be able to fit all the information needed in the least amount of characters. Remember that this page is for the customer, so try to use language that your audience will understand and answer questions that often come up.
What Makes a Good FAQ page?
If your business does not get questions that often, creating a Frequently Asked Questions page is not a good idea. FAQ pages are supposed to help your company and the customer to quickly get an answer. If you just flood a FAQ page with random questions, it will serve no purpose. It is also very important to stay organized. Try to categorize questions so that it is easier for the customer to navigate through them.
It might also be helpful to allow customers to search for questions on the FAQ page. As mentioned before, FAQs should be concise and in your audience’s language. Try to not use complicated language or jargon that your audience does not know. The idea is for them to have answers, not even more questions after reading.

FAQ and SEO pages
FAQs are useful for the user to understand your business or have any questions answered for him or her. But what if FAQ pages were combined with SEO? SEO is used to increase traffic on websites through search engine results. When using a Frequently Asked Questions page along with SEO, the person searching for a specific question online might find the answer on your website. This helps your website rank organically from a targeted audience that is very likely to be interested in what you have to offer. Your FAQ pages can bring traffic to other pages of your website by adding inbound links.
How to Create an SEO-friendly Frequently Asked Question page
When it comes to creating an SEO-friendly FAQ page, there are a couple of things to consider. For an SEO FAQ page to work, you need to build a strategy so that you have the right content directed to the right audience.
The first thing you need to do is to come up with the most common questions that customers have asked or that businesses similar to yours have posted about. You will need to do some keyword research here, what is keyword research? i hear you cry! This is the process of finding out what words and phrases the public use to find web pages on the internet. If a phrase has no volume there is zero point in using it!
As mentioned before, try to be thorough and concise in your answers to the questions. You need to answer the question directly in about two or three sentences maximum. You can even add inbound links for more information about the content of the question.
The most important step to making your FAQ page SEO-friendly is high-quality user experience. Proper and high-quality UX allows you to organize your FAQs in a way that is easy for the user to navigate. If your FAQ page is too complicated or the user has to scroll too much to find their answers, they are more likely to just leave your website and look for another with a better UX.
Overall, SEO-friendly FAQ pages are very helpful to build up traffic on your website organically through searches. But you have to remember that all the Frequently Asked Questions data compiling will not be useful if the user does not have a good experience navigating through the page. It is not just about finding the most SEO-friendly content, it is also about making the page easy to navigate and the content concise enough for the audience to just skim through it and get the answer they need.
If the audience wants more information, they will click on any inbound links that go more in-depth on the topic. Just always remember that the main purpose of a FAQ page is to help your audience out.
If you want to discuss this strategy or any other SEO or marketing strategy with us then please send us a message on our contact page. One of our keyword specialist would only be more that happy to assist you.
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